Doing Part-time Jobs while Studying in Taiwan 收藏
大學問編輯部 2022-04-12 Global

Online application system
Only online application is available. If you are applying for the first time, please set up an account on the Work Development Agency EZ Work Permit and follow the instructions in the user manual to submit an application.Here is the flow chart showing the application procedure of a work permit:

Required documents to upload
1. Student ID card,2. Passport,
3. Alien Resident Certificate (both front and back covers),
4. Any documents required by your university.
Application fee
NTD100 (about USD3.3).Payment method
There are 3 ways of payment for you to choose in the application system:1. At any Post Offices – after settling the payment, you are required to login to the system and input the “Remittance Date”, “Post Office Code” and “Receipt Number” into the system.
2. Via ATM – you will need to acquire the serial number of payment from the university first before settling the bill via any ATM machines or WEB ATM.
3. Via Taiwan PAY – if you have a Taiwan PAY account, you can scan the generated QR code with your mobile phone and input your password for payment.
After you have submitted the online application, it will go to your department or university for review before further sending out to the Workforce Development Agency for final approval. Once your work permit is granted, you will receive a notification email to download the work permit from the Workforce Development Agency website within 8 calendar days.Period of validity
The maximum validity period of a work permit is six months. For the applications made in the fall semester, the work permit will expire on March 31st of following year, while for the applications made in the spring semester, the work permit will expire on September 30th of the same year.The work permit of a graduate will normally end on June 30th. If you are pursuing graduate studies, you can apply for an extension to September 30th by providing the graduate school admission documents.
You can apply for re-issuance of a work permit on the same system if the original is lost. Fill in the information as required and click “Work Permit Re-issue”. The re-issuance fee is NTD100 (about USD3.3).For further details, please visit EZ Work Taiwan.