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【111學測】混合題型 英文怎麼考? 收藏
大學問編輯部 2020-09-20 學測 , 108課綱 , 新考招 , 高中英文
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混合題型 怎麼考
混合題型主要在評量考生綜合運用詞彙(含慣用語)、語意、語法、語用以及篇章結構的知識,進而理解文意脈絡、擷取文章重要訊息,並加以分析、比較與推理的能力。以下題為例,考生必須根據文章的文意於每題選出最適當的一個選項或填寫出最適當的答案。█ 題組主文
It is an appealing idea that some foods are unhealthy, some healthy, and some super-healthy. About 61% of British people reported buying foods because they were supposed superfoods, according to a 2014 survey. But what are superfoods? Are they really so good for our health?
Currently, kale is one of the coolest superfoods around. Kale, a very common vegetable, has grown in northern Europe, and plenty of other places, for thousands of years. Its nutrition is similar to that of cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Is kale significantly better than her vegetables? Fans of superfoods like to list the things that kale contains a lot of, such as iron and vitamins, and point out what those things do (make red blood cells). But that doesn’t mean your body gets superpowers if you eat more than you need, especially if you’re already getting enough from other sources. It is like trying to make your car go faster by putting in more petrol. No good evidence shows that eating plenty of fruit and vegetables with kale is any better than eating plenty of them without.
Another example is chia seeds. One hundred grams of chia seeds contain about 17g of Omega-3s, about eight times as much as salmon. However, the Omega-3s in chia seeds are different from the ones in fish: Our body turns the chia kind into the fish kind very inefficiently, meaning that you will actually absorb less. Nor is it easy to eat a full 100g of chia seeds, which contain 486 calories, almost as much as a Big Mac. So fish is definitely a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids for you, which help to protect against cardiovascular disease. But there is little evidence to suggest the health benefits from chia seeds.
Indeed, good nutrition helps the body fight against diseases. The truth, however, is that nutrition is fabulously complex, different for everybody and mostly mysterious. We know that if you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, you don’t need any superfood. And if you don’t, no superfood will save you.
According to the passage, which of the following best describes the author’s attitude towards the health benefits of superfoods?
(A)Doubtful. (B) Optimistic. (C) Objective. (D) Frustrated.
【解析】:本題評量考生能否判斷作者的態度。作答線索在於每一段落中作者的意見,尤其最後一段倒數第三行 We know that if you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, you don’t need any superfood. And if you don’t, no superfood will save you.
Choose ONE sentence from Paragraph 3 that best indicates the author’s attitude toward chia seeds. Write down the WHOLE sentence on the answer sheet.
【參考答案】:But there is little evidence to suggest the health benefits from chia seeds.
【解析】:本題評量考生能否判斷作者的態度並加以舉證。作答時須分別從第三段中判斷出最後一句為作者對 superfoods 健康益處存疑之佐證。
What does the author mean by saying “… if you don’t” in the last paragraph? It means “… if you don’t _____________________________________________.”
【參考答案】:eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise
【解析】:本題評量考生能否掌握文章結構(cohesive devices,動詞結構的刪略法)。作答線索在於前一句所提的 We know that if you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, you don’t need any superfood.
According to the passage, write down the major nutrient(s) we can find in kale and chia seeds and the benefits of these nutrients.
nutrient(s) | benefit(s) of the nutrient(s) | |
kale | ||
chia seeds |
nutrient(s) | benefit(s) of the nutrient(s) | |
kale | iron and vitamins | make red blood cells |
chia seeds | Omega-3 | protect against cardiovascular disease |
【解析】:本題評量考生能否找尋特定的資訊。作答時需分別從第二段第四、五行及第三段第五、六行找到 kale 與 chia seeds 的營養成分及其所帶來益處。